
Robert Douglass at DrupalCamp Lisbon 2011

Robert Douglass

Robert Douglass has been involved with Drupal since long. Take for example contrib modules like
memcache or all that revolves around Apache Solr. Scalability and versatility with a view towards Drupal adoption in enterprise environments.

He's also one of the promoters of a site that provides
a curated market for all types of translations.

Robert is Senior Engineer at Acquia.

Besides being a seasoned drupaler Robert is also a musician
& music lover
: he's one of the contributors to the music blog

In Lisbon Robert will deliver a keynote on his vision of the business
of Drupal. A few highlights of the talk:

  • What are challenges that someone doing Drupal faces?
  • Which hurdles are on the way when creating and managing a
    Drupal company?
  • How can the sustainability of the Drupal ecosystem be assured?
Um evento da ADP - Associação Drupal Portugal
Drupal é uma marca registada de Dries Buytaert